Search organisations
How search & filters work
General search tips
Expand your free text search with an asterisk (*) at the end of the keyword to include different endings of the current keyword. For example, the search Myndigheten* will return several organizations whose names begin with the word “myndigheten”.
Searching with different filters (e.g. categories and licenses) creates an AND between the filters.
Searching with multiple options within a filter (e.g. multiple different formats) creates an OR between the options.
Sorting search results based on "Relevance" - the search term is matched against the title
Sorting search results by "Last modified" - the last modified metadata is displayed. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the dataset is up to date.
What do the filters mean?
Organisation type - Allows you to filter out one or more types of organizations
Fee liability - The organization is regulated to charge fees for certain services and data volumes